Area Manager:

Med Media Tv Production
Claudio Idone

Med Media News
Direttore responsabile:
Francesca Cugliandro

Segreteria di redazione:
Concettina Forestieri

Mario Idone

Eidos Advertising
Maria Crucitti
Michelangelo D'Ambrosio





last update: June 2016

General information

Med Media was founded in 1991 as publishing structure of the "R.L.S."
The "R.L.S." co-operative (Raffaele Lombardi Satriani, folklorist from Calabria in the first years of the XX century) was born in 1983 by the fusion of two previous research groups: the G.R.A.D. from Reggio Calabria and Re Niliu’s Group from Catanzaro. After that, other cultural operators from Calabria were admitted. Med Media headquarters are in Reggio Calabria.
The Co-operative was founded as a promotional organism of research activity, documentation and analysis about the regional reality made by its members. There are wide audio-visual archives, as necessary landmark to analysis, observation, publishing and documentary production, educational activity linked to the use of audio-visual instruments. The experience in the documentation and information field had always had the structure particularly sensitive to expression and democracy freedom subjects.



Med Media - Comunicazioni Integrate
via Al Foro Boario, 13
89129 Reggio Calabria

tel. fax +39.965.591039



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