MEDIATECA Regionale della Calabria

The Regional Audiovisual Library of Calabria is a structure of services about didactics, research and information. It provides the public with a catalogue, enriched regularly by new acquisitions, new audio-visual materials

Who are the initiative's addressees: Schools, students groups, teachers, scholars, single students, people interested in didactics, training and educational approach by audio-visual means.

What kinds of services the audiovisual library offers: the structure, in its first activity year (1996), provides two categories of services.

The audiovisual library proposes its own didactic itineraries by audio-visual addressed both to school world and, more generally, regional society. However, there is a necessary consideration by which the possible video and tape library customers have also very different cultural needs and communicative demands among us.

Audiovisual Library Audio-visual Desk
The users are able to consult the desk informatized catalogue and to ask for the titles as for their own interest on direct view. Besides, there will be available information about the other Italian audiovisual libraries.
In the next few years the information system will be able to be developed to catalogues about European and non- European audiovisual library realities.


That's to make easier the information changes with regional and non-regional users unable to go themselves to the desk.
At the moment there are available:


The first year catalogue is based on Archi/Med (Med Media audio-visual archives) archives and on audio-visual productions from Calabria.

The desk materials are all about didactic/scientific and documentary interest.
The Regional audiovisual library desk is open to the public during the time communicated by the phone secretary. For more detailed information about audiovisual library, please get in touch with the operator during the desk time or leave a message on phone secretary or on E-Mail box.

Audiovisual library address is:

Mediateca Regionale della Calabria
via Al Foro Boario, 13
89133 Reggio Calabria
Tel. +39.965.591039
E-Mail mediateca

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